Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tulips and (almost) Lilacs, oh my:)

Pretty early still, but the tulips started blooming:)Something is munching on them:(My really old big Lilac and some of its bloomsMy 'sensation' Lilac...its 4 years old and this is the first year I've gotten buds!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Ducklings are Hatched:)

We went and visited the baby ducks today. They hatched on Thursday and Friday. We are leaving them with Dan's parents for about 3 more weeks so their mama can teach them to swim, forage, etc.

Here is the proud "mama" Emily. The duckings arent actually hers but she hatched them out:)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chickies '09

Picked up our spring chicks about 1 1/2 weeks ago.
Spedini - Silver-laced Wyandotte
Teriyaki - Australorp
Noodle - Buff Orpington
Gumbo - surprise chick ( I am guessing Partridge Cochin)

Also, our ducklings are hatched:) We are going to visit then tomorrow, but will leave them with their mother until they are a bit older.

Working on the posts.....

These are the 10 foot tall cedar posts Dan put up last weekend. They will hold what Dan calls a "dramatic gate" . There are also a bunch of random spring blossom pictures following:)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today's Plantings...


Basil -
-Dark Opal
-Red Rubin
-Lettuce Leaf
-Sweet Genovese
Roman Chamomile
Marigold - Lemon Gem
Nasturtium -
-Black Velvet
-Empress of India
Hollyhock - Nigra
Shasta Daisy
Bronze Fennel
Cosmos -
Zinnia -
-Profuison White
-Cut and Come Again

Outdoors in coldframes -

Peas -
Blue podded
Golden Sweet (podded)
Spinach -Bloomsdale
Chard - Silverbeet
Lettuce -
Red Iceberg
Gold Rush

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Whole lotta Diggin' Going On!

Today, Dan dug the post holes for the garden fence we will be putting up. The children played on the trailer, stuck rocks in a pipe, played with the neighbors grandkids, rode bikes, and dug their own holes:) It was a beautiful day!

This is a view taken from where the front of the fence and a gate will be. Where Dan is working there will be a privacy fence and that will connect to the backyard fence. The chickens and eventual ducks will be able to walk behind the garage into the side yard. About where the neighbors chain link ends will be another fence (welded wire) running across the width (with a gate) to keep the birds out of the garden. The wire fencing will then be used to fence the raised beds.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Signs of Spring '09


Over wintered greens and onions

Marley looking for a bunny snack