Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunflower House

Yesterday we got Lilah's Sunflower House started. It is basically an 8x8 square that will be surrounded by 12' sunflowers to create a living playhouse. I planted the sunflowers as well as some corn, scarlet runner beans, and calendula. This is my first attempt at direct sowing of flowers, so hopefully it works out all right. I saw birds messing with it this morning, hopefully they weren't eating the seeds!


Meghan said...

a sunflower house - how very cool!

dan is the ultimate multi-tasker . . . babywearing, raking, and enjoying a brew. impressive!

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Hi, Great blog! I wrote Sunflower Houses in 1991 and since then have seen thousands of them all over the world. Hurrah! Reminds me just WHY I slave over my writing for hours with no human contact.

You might want to sink some posts by corners of front door and at vulnerable edges. You'll love your experiences in your house, but be sure to visit at night with a flashlight. Lots of lovely moths nectar on the sunflower faces. Keep up your great (and important) Mom work. Good luck with worms, I couldn't live without them! Sharon